Good ad content can make a huge difference. Regardless of anything I or whoever writes as their ‘method’ the most important things is to test your content. Rules are made to be broken and sometimes things work for reasons that allude us, but if they work keep them coming!

That’s  said, here is my advice for a solid messaging format that sells:

  1. Make a claim
  2. Give a reason to believe that claim
  3. Have a CTA (Call to action)

For example to advertise YayClicks I might write:

  1. Make a claim: Improve Your Website Results
  2. Give a reason: On average websites have 154% more traffic 6 months after a rebuild by us.
  3. Have a CTA: Email us for a free review of your website.

Most commonly people make the claim and the CTA, but they miss the reason. That’s how you build interest and belief in your claim.

Some other handy tips:

  • Keep messaging simple. People like to cram all the good things about their business and I’m sure there are many, but research shows time and time again a single minded message is far superior in creating interest, recall and response.
  • Tell the truth. Don’t try to be something you are not. If you’re an ordinary business dont try to jazz it up beyond what it is. Find a core truth and celebrate that. One of the best examples of that is the Guinness Dancing Man. The took a truth, a negative really about how its slow to pour a Guinness and celebrated it as a positive as though that’s part of the reason its great.
  • Include numbers or statistics in your headlines.
  • Talk to the user, not flatter yourself. The ad should show the benefit to your future customer over something you feel proud of but is less relevant to them.
  • Fear is one of the biggest motivators. If you can create this emotion in a positive way like the classic ‘Hurry stocks are limited’ (fear of missing out) it can be a great emotional motivator.
  • 3 words I’ve learn have more effect than others: New, Free & Fast. If one or more of these cover your product service, use them.

I hope that was useful and if you have any questions or comments, please reach out.