

Turn Data into Sales

When we take on a client we make sure that existing analytics, if there are any, are correct. It is common to find that the analytics are not updated or relevant to the business. We ensure that your Analytic support is current with your business requirements.

To make sure we set the right KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) YayClicks works closely with your marketing team if you have an in-house team at the present time. Together we take care of any troubleshooting and optimise the analytics. This is how every last bit of insight is used to create successful marketing campaigns through analytics.

Advertising campaigns like Adwords, Facebook advertising and PPC advertising cost money, so does any form of Public Relations. For the money you spend you need to know exactly what you get for your investment. Our analytics give you an understanding of where your customers come from and how they get to you; their behaviour online.

There is no shortage of great marketing companies, PR agencies and Analytics experts in Australia. Yayclicks is proud to be a cross-discipline marketing company with expertise in the technical, creative and marketing aspects. Our award-winning approach to marketing and analytics is what makes us stand out from the crowd, and how we help you stand out from the crowd.

Popular set up requirements

Analytical and tracking upgrade
To make sure your tracking and analytics are up to date and fast enough for your needs, we will migrate, or set up a new tag management system for you. This offers faster tracking.

Conversion rate optimization
Testing is the best way to see what works and what does not. A/B testing shows gives feedback on website design and ad campaigns, that way you know which works better. The customer journey is important which is why we offer purchase path optimisation. The combination has a positive effect on your ROI.

Google analytics audit and consultation
Do you need accurate information on your analytics account? The only answer to this is yes. Our experts will give you all the information you need to explore just what your analytics account can do for your business.

Advanced tracking and configuration
Tracking allows you to understand more about your customer, how they access the internet and from what device. Configuring your e-commerce site makes the webpage performance better. Our in-page analytics monitor and report on your webpage, while our tracking software tracks the success of a campaign.

Custom data filtering
To be able to focus on your business goals we can refine your analytical data with your very own custom dashboard. To keep on top of any changes there are automated alerts that email you if there is any change in data. Every business has a target market, these target audiences can be divided into different groups that respond to different advertising, that is why we segment your audience.

Website monitoring and reporting.

The market is always changing, so make sure you keep up with the changes you need to monitor the behaviour of your clients. We report on navigation analysis, people that have visited the website and left, customers that were in the final stages of a purchase and left; this allows us to work towards a higher traffic and conversion rate.