Adwords and PPC

Adwords and PPC

For those of you new to internet advertising, PPC means pay per click. The most popular Pay Per click platform is Google and its search engine advertising. Basically, it is an auction system where you, the advertiser pays each time your advert is clicked on. Unlike an auction Google also applies factors like relevancy and quality scores which can greatly affect your bids and ranking. Over time Google has applied more ads to search results and it can be difficult to organically get visits to your site without the help of PPC advertising.

There are several PPC advertising platforms, the most common ones include Google Adwords, Bing advertising and YouTube ads. Also you need to consider retargeting or remarketing as one of the channels to use with PPC advertising.

Here are some of the benefits of Pay Per Click advertising:

  • You only pay when someone click son your advertisement.
  • Views and leads are from the people interested in your service or product
  • Great platform to test messaging and campaigns
  • Affordable packages which typically scale well as your business does
  • Visibility on the Web which creates awareness for your brand
  • Fast traction for promoting new products, services, or specials
  • Expanding your brand awareness or targeting people near your business premises
  • Generate more traffic to your site for more sales

For more information why not book an online meeting, or make a specific enquiry and we will get back to you with more information.

Why you should choose YayClicks.

We understand what makes a successful campaign. Our track record of increasing our clients website traffic while working to maintain low costs is just one of the things that make us the right choice. YayClicks aim to generate traffic to your site, traffic with a high conversion rate. This is what our campaigns are all about.

When you are using a client’s money, you have to be smart and strategic. We only invest our money in ad campaigns that give a return on investment. A team of experts analyse different platforms, finding the best one for your business before any money is spent.

PPC management or set up.

We here at YayClicks know how important it is to get the most out of the money you spend on PPC Clicks, our certified and experienced team is here to help you do that. Whether you come to us with a completely new project or if you need us to manage your existing AdWords campaign.

We work with you to help you realise your goals for your campaign. We do research to find the keywords that will attract your target audience. Our team will do an audit on your site to find our if there is any room for improvement, how to make your site work harder for you.

Websites are an online presence that is available for viewing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all 52 weeks of the year. This makes your website your biggest sales asset, to get the best results from it you need properly managed campaigns.

Well managed PPC and Google Adwords campaigns can have dramatic benefits for your business, such as:

  • Efficiency
    There are long term strategies to improve your online visibility which include, search engine optimisation, content and social media marketing. All platforms have their merits, and should be looked at closely. For fast results PPC and Google Ads are the way to go. Within minutes of activation you will see your finalised ads on the search engines you have selected.
  • Budget control
    Time slots, location and keywords are all controllable. As an example, your target market is more likely to access the internet at work you will opt for your ads to be shown during working hours and not pay for ads at midnight. You can target people in your vicinity and not pay for global exposure. Choosing keywords specific to the products or services you are promoting will have an impact on your price to.
  • Brand recognition
    Visibility at the top of search engine results has long term benefits. People remember your brand for future reference, even if they do not require your products or services right away.
  • You can see campaign progress
    Seeing what your Pay Per Click budget goes towards, and what returns you get is important. You invest money in PPC to generate income. We use systems which make it clear what the money is spent on; how many times during the day your ad is shown, and at what time, in which areas your ad is shown and how much it costs. The system shows your return on investment too; how many people clicked on your ad and how many of those people went on to contact you or place an order. This is different from some other forms of marketing because it measures the success of your campaign.

Our PPC management services include:

Google shopping ADS google
Advertise your products directly to product related searches. This can be a great way to improve sales performance which goes directly to your revenue.

Bing advertising
Google is clearly the king of search engine land, millions of people all over the world still use Bing, and the costs per click are can sometimes be lower, especially as you begin to saturate your most profitable search categories on google.

Quality score optimisation
While Google AdWords is run as an auction, quality and relevancy scores have a huge impact on the amount you have to pay. Our specialists will look at your bid, ads and landing pages to improve the ‘quality scores’ of your keywords. Which can reduce the cost per click on existing campaigns and increase your ROI and traffic volumes.

Remarketing is a great way to get more from your existing campaigns and organic traffic. You can use this to targeted people who have previously shown interest in your products or services. These when run well can be some of the most cost-effective campaigns.

Display advertising
We can help you use banner ads give you a surprisingly cost-effective way of reaching your target customers even if they are not searching for your products. These can be great to build an awareness of your company and when the right ad is tarted well, as great source of sales.

Youtube advertising
While part of Google, did you know YouTube is the worlds second largest search engine! These ads can be at the lower cost end and, if creative and targeting is well setup, powerful marketing tools.

App ads
Its one thing to create a great app, but in todays crowded market place most business will want to promote it to create initial traction or look for ROI positive targeting opportunities. A well built and targeted app advert will encourage people to see and install your app.

What does it take to create an ad and make it live.

  • Step 1 – Development
    We need to know what your company goals are, what your services and products are, with this information we carry out a key word search. We use all the information to create landing pages which will drive interested parties to your site, and convert them into customers. This process increases your overall search engine score. Now it is time for the creative part, creating ads. We create multiple ads to target the different groups in the demographic that works for your company. To make sure you can see how your campaign is doing we create tracking codes and analytics.

  • Step2 – Running the campaign
    Your campaign is developed and ready to go. We make sure that we do not overspend by dividing your budget into daily amounts. Thanks to our analysis, we run your ads according the information gained during development. We monitor the ads performance by running tests which give us insights to how your ads are working. From these tests we know if we need to make any tweaks to maximise your return on investment.

  • Step 3 – Reporting
    Yayclicks knows how important it is to keep you, the client informed of your campaign progress. We report detailed information on how the campaign working currently, as well as how we expect it to do down the line. The reporting is more than just a breakdown of performance, it is information we use to make any necessary changes to make sure you get the return you need.

    YayClicks is the go-to PPC marketing agency in Australia, contact us now for more information.